rb_warn           532 array.c        	    rb_warn("block supersedes default value argument");
rb_warn          1062 array.c        	rb_warn("block supersedes default value argument");
rb_warn          3097 array.c        	    rb_warn("given block not used");
rb_warn          2105 bignum.c       	rb_warn("in a**b, b may be too big");
rb_warn          2121 bignum.c       		rb_warn("in a**b, b may be too big");
rb_warn           287 class.c        	rb_warn("no super class for `%s', Object assumed", name);
rb_warn           316 class.c        	rb_warn("no super class for `%s::%s', Object assumed",
rb_warn           752 dir.c          	    rb_warn("conflicting chdir during another chdir block");
rb_warn           523 encoding.c     	    rb_warn("failed to load encoding (%s); use ASCII-8BIT instead",
rb_warn           159 enum.c         	    rb_warn("given block not used");
rb_warn           271 enum.c         	    rb_warn("given block not used");
rb_warn           725 enumerator.c   	    rb_warn("given block not used");
rb_warn          4079 ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c     rb_warn("Conversion from String to BigDecimal overflow (last few digits discarded).");
rb_warn           225 ext/dbm/dbm.c      rb_warn("DBM#index is deprecated; use DBM#key");
rb_warn           432 ext/gdbm/gdbm.c     rb_warn("GDBM#index is deprecated; use GDBM#key");
rb_warn           303 ext/openssl/ossl.c 	    rb_warn("error on stack: %s", ERR_error_string(e, NULL));
rb_warn           181 ext/openssl/ossl.h   rb_warn(fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__); \
rb_warn           187 ext/openssl/ossl.h #define OSSL_Warn rb_warn
rb_warn           190 ext/openssl/ossl_cipher.c 	rb_warn("argumtents for %s#encrypt and %s#decrypt were deprecated; "
rb_warn           228 ext/openssl/ossl_config.c     rb_warn("Config#value is deprecated; use Config#get_value");
rb_warn           291 ext/openssl/ossl_config.c     rb_warn("Config#section is deprecated; use Config#[]");
rb_warn           403 ext/openssl/ossl_config.c     rb_warn("#sections don't work with %s", OPENSSL_VERSION_TEXT);
rb_warn           410 ext/openssl/ossl_config.c     rb_warn("#to_s don't work with %s", OPENSSL_VERSION_TEXT);
rb_warn           417 ext/openssl/ossl_config.c     rb_warn("#each don't work with %s", OPENSSL_VERSION_TEXT);
rb_warn           253 ext/openssl/ossl_ocsp.c     if(!result) rb_warn("%s", ERR_error_string(ERR_peek_error(), NULL));
rb_warn           609 ext/openssl/ossl_ocsp.c     if(!result) rb_warn("%s", ERR_error_string(ERR_peek_error(), NULL));
rb_warn           473 ext/pty/pty.c      rb_warn("PTY::protect_signal is no longer needed");
rb_warn           482 ext/pty/pty.c      rb_warn("PTY::reset_signal is no longer needed");
rb_warn           202 ext/sdbm/init.c     rb_warn("SDBM#index is deprecated; use SDBM#key");
rb_warn            30 ext/tk/stubs.c         rb_warn("Inconsistency. Loaded Tcl/Tk libraries are enabled nativethread-support. But `tcltklib' is not. The inconsistency causes SEGV or other troubles frequently.");
rb_warn          6585 ext/tk/tcltklib.c                 rb_warn("%s (ignore)", Tcl_GetStringResult(ptr->ip));
rb_warn          7714 ext/tk/tcltklib.c                     rb_warn("invalid command name `%s' (ignore)", cmd);
rb_warn          7909 ext/tk/tcltklib.c                 rb_warn("%s (ignore)", Tcl_GetStringResult(ptr->ip));
rb_warn          4431 file.c         	    rb_warn("Insecure world writable dir %s in %sPATH, mode 0%o",
rb_warn           528 hash.c         	rb_warn("block supersedes default value argument");
rb_warn           705 hash.c             rb_warn("Hash#index is deprecated; use Hash#key");
rb_warn          1913 hash.c         	rb_warn("block supersedes default value argument");
rb_warn          2456 hash.c             rb_warn("ENV.index is deprecated; use ENV.key");
rb_warn           967 include/ruby/ruby.h PRINTF_ARGS(void rb_warn(const char*, ...), 1, 2);
rb_warn          3476 io.c           	rb_warn("sysseek for buffered IO");
rb_warn          3512 io.c           	rb_warn("syswrite for buffered IO");
rb_warn          3903 io.c           	    rb_warn("Unsupported encoding %s ignored", estr);
rb_warn          3916 io.c           		rb_warn("Unsupported encoding %s ignored", p);
rb_warn          3918 io.c           		rb_warn("Ignoring internal encoding %s: it is identical to external encoding %s", p, estr);
rb_warn          3964 io.c           	rb_warn("Ignoring encoding parameter '%s': %s_encoding is used",
rb_warn          4217 io.c           	rb_warn("setvbuf() can't be honoured (fd=%d)", fd);
rb_warn          5356 io.c                       rb_warn("setvbuf() can't be honoured for %s", RSTRING_PTR(fptr->pathv));
rb_warn          6012 io.c           	rb_warn("%s::new() does not take block; use %s::open() instead",
rb_warn          6167 io.c           		    rb_warn("Can't do inplace edit for stdio; skipping");
rb_warn          6200 io.c           			    rb_warn("Can't rename %s to %s: %s, skipping file",
rb_warn          6212 io.c           			    rb_warn("Can't remove %s: %s, skipping file",
rb_warn          6254 io.c           	    rb_warn("Can't do inplace edit for stdio");
rb_warn          1513 marshal.c      		   rb_warn("define `allocate' instead of `_alloc'");
rb_warn          1658 marshal.c      	rb_warn("incompatible marshal file format (can be read)\n\
rb_warn          2313 object.c       	rb_warn("string contains \\0 character");
rb_warn           363 proc.c         		rb_warn("tried to create Proc object without a block");
rb_warn           443 proc.c             rb_warn("rb_f_lambda() is deprecated; use rb_block_proc() instead");
rb_warn          1697 proc.c         	    rb_warn("given block not used");
rb_warn          2117 process.c                  rb_warn("cannot close fd before spawn");
rb_warn          1207 re.c           	rb_warn("regexp match /.../n against to %s string",
rb_warn          2778 re.c           	    rb_warn("flags ignored");
rb_warn          2803 re.c           		rb_warn("encoding option is ignored - %s", kcode);
rb_warn          3263 re.c               rb_warn("variable $KCODE is no longer effective");
rb_warn          3270 re.c               rb_warn("variable $KCODE is no longer effective; ignored");
rb_warn          3276 re.c               rb_warn("variable $= is no longer effective");
rb_warn          3283 re.c               rb_warn("variable $= is no longer effective; ignored");
rb_warn          3346 re.c               rb_warn("%s", s);
rb_warn           614 ruby.c             rb_warn("unknown argument for --enable: `%.*s'", len, str);
rb_warn           627 ruby.c             rb_warn("unknown argument for --disable: `%.*s'", len, str);
rb_warn           635 ruby.c             rb_warn("don't know how to dump `%.*s', (insns)", len, str);
rb_warn          1035 sprintf.c      	if (RTEST(ruby_verbose)) rb_warn("%s", mesg);
rb_warn           191 struct.c       	    rb_warn("redefining constant Struct::%s", StringValuePtr(name));
rb_warn          1479 variable.c     		rb_warn("toplevel constant %s referenced by %s::%s",
rb_warn          1720 variable.c     	      rb_warn("already initialized %s %s", dest, rb_id2name(id));
rb_warn          1746 variable.c     	rb_warn("rb_define_const: invalid name `%s' for constant", name);
rb_warn          1138 vm_insnhelper.c 	    rb_warn("class variable access from toplevel");
rb_warn           120 vm_method.c    	rb_warn
rb_warn           168 vm_method.c    	    rb_warn("redefining Object#initialize may cause infinite loop");
rb_warn           173 vm_method.c    		rb_warn("redefining `%s' may cause serious problem",
rb_warn           319 vm_method.c    	rb_warn("removing `%s' may cause serious problem", rb_id2name(mid));
rb_warn           486 vm_method.c    	rb_warn("undefining `%s' may cause serious problem", rb_id2name(id));