strrchr 440 addr2line.c p = strrchr(binary_filename, '/'); strrchr 38 eval_intern.h char *strrchr(const char *, const char); strrchr 206 include/ruby/missing.h RUBY_EXTERN char *strrchr(const char *, int); strrchr 5086 io.c p = strrchr(estr, ':'); strrchr 530 load.c const char *ext = strrchr(feature, '.'); strrchr 852 load.c ext = strrchr(ftptr = RSTRING_PTR(fname), '.'); strrchr 860 load.c ext = strrchr(ftptr = RSTRING_PTR(tmp), '.'); strrchr 876 load.c ext = strrchr(ftptr = RSTRING_PTR(tmp), '.'); strrchr 885 load.c ext = strrchr(ftptr = RSTRING_PTR(tmp), '.'); strrchr 898 load.c ext = strrchr(ftptr = RSTRING_PTR(tmp), '.'); strrchr 925 load.c ext = strrchr(ftptr = RSTRING_PTR(tmp), '.'); strrchr 530 ruby.c p = strrchr(libpath, '/'); strrchr 1890 ruby.c const char *ext = strrchr(fname, '.'); strrchr 1522 thread_pthread.c p = strrchr(name, '/'); /* show only the basename of the path. */